What we experience is based on how we perceive and create our "reality".
When you see these 2 pictures, what do you think of? Take a moment to take a peek at how you see.
Does it seem like there are too many berries? Wow they look amazing!
On the right, do these kids live in a poor neighborhood and resources are scarce?
Take a moment (15-30seconds) to expand and create your scenario for each picture. Create the sights, the sounds, the smells, and how it feels. Describe what's surrounding the scene?
Did you perhaps imagine a poor farming town that only produces berries, and everything else is scarce? Perhaps you saw the smiling boy who looks to be enjoying some fun with the other kids. Perhaps he is thinking he has everything he needs.
In an abundance mindset, we see the world as a place that has enough for everyone; that there are infinite possibilities to create what we want. We don't act scared to hoard everything because that's all there is. We are grateful for the things we have, and keep pushing ourselves to learn.
Each person creates unique situations based on how they think - how they see the world. Someone can be labeled as poor, yet feels he/she is rich with experiences, family, lifestyle. More fortunate people can go to places that are considered 3rd world, yet are willing to pay amazing sums to experience the rich natural lives people have living with waterfalls, forests, and animals in natural jungles. If it amazes you how people that live in squalor can become millionaires, yet people that start with so much, still have so little. Start thinking about how those people think. It's not just that though. How we behave each and every day affects how we perceive things. How did you feel? Think back to when you were a child. How might these pictures have affected you then? What's changed?
If we desire to be successful, we need to create a positive space with our thoughts and actions, giving positive energy that promotes more actions. I'm sure it's difficult for some people to imagine that things will just happen, but it isn't about magic. These are steps to help you change how you think, which in turn helps you take action to further the movement of your goals.
Take a moment to reflect on your statements about each picture and imagine how you could describe the picture now. What would you change?
Take this knowledge to make everyday great!
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